PhD content in brief

Internationalization of design research and education centers.
Promotion of international design networks
Valentina Auricchio

Today, small enterprises and artisans are facing a difficult moment in which they are not able to understand how to survive in a evermore competitive and global market. They no longer have contact with final users, which often live in other territories and belong to different cultures, and do not have the tools to connect and innovate at an international level.
Since the early 70’s, designers around the world have been working in this arena with the aim to help artisans reach new markets and learn how to develop autonomous innovative processes. Through transfer of knowledge and support in creating networks, designers have shown unique capabilities that can support internationalization processes of territories worldwide by:
_identifying new markets and interpreting cultures (EXPORT);
_identifying new technologies (CO-PRODUCTION);
_identifying new cultural context (CO-DESIGN).

In this scenario, design research and education institutions have had a fundamental role in engaging new research paths and developing education programs in the fields of design management and strategic design in order to support international competitiveness. The strive for internationalization has pushed design institutions to enlarge their networks, connect with territories and give students and staff the opportunity to widen their view. By doing so, they have become strategic entities for the internationalization of their countries.
In the knowledge based society, education and research institutions have become important actors in supporting the international competitiveness of their territories by developing innovative researches and forming new professional profiles.
Therefore, design research and education institutions have become gateways for companies interested in connecting and competing internationally.

The main aim of the research is to identify projects in which design institutions have supported the internationalization of productive territories in order to stimulate an international debate in this area.
The area of reference of the research is Social Design and it historically refers to those projects in which designers have had an important role in connecting the periphery with the center. Victor Papanek, Gui Bonsiepe and Victor Margolin have been the main design theorist in this area.
The research developed has aimed to collect projects that have been carried out in the past ten years in this field. Projects that have been developed by design centers, institutions, individual designers that demonstrate that design can have a strategic role in social and economical development. These projects are mainly lead by the desire to help artisans and small producers to reach new markets and to build connections with partners worldwide.
The research has been lead through on field research and interviews of actors involved in the debate and in the projects detected. The projects collected have been saved in an “online platform” (blog of the research which has been the a first interface with the research community.
Fifteen projects selected out of the many projects collected in the blog have been briefly explained through graphs and maps which give a general understanding of the state of the art in this field.

The analysis of the project has been done at different levels:
_geographical map of territories and actors involved;
_chronological map of the projects;
_role of the design actors in the projects;
_results respect to the internationalization of the territories involved;
_aims and objectives of the projects;
_project phases.

The final analysis of the projects aims to give a future view on the trajectories taken by the actors involved, the lessons learnt and the suggestions on how to take forward a debate in this field in order to develop new research and form professionals.
Today, there is a large amount of design centers, institutions and professionals who believe that design can have a strategic role in helping artisans and small companies in building global value chains. This belief has been demonstrated through real projects that show that designers are capable, not only in developing new products and services, but also in building global value chains that allow artisans to access new markets. Through these projects, designers transfer innovation capabilities to communities, enabling them to connect with partners worldwide.
However, this field is still not recognized as a research field in design and there are very few courses which aim to form professionals capable to replicate successful experiences in other contexts. This is also due to the fact that, up to today, design tools applied have not yet been codified.
Although the methods and tools identified in the projects still require confrontation and verification in other contexts, the catalogue of projects collected throughout the research is the first of its kind and the hope is for it to be a starting point for an international debate on design methods and tools applicable in this research area.


The following list of posts are a collection of interesting articles which have been collected during the PhD research. Some of them are Design Centers, others are projects, others are links to websites.
Of these posts, 15 case studies have been picked out to be analysed in depth.


Tuesday 22 November 2011

Design for Social Business Conference

When the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Muhammad Yunus stated:
“I believe that we can create a world without poverty, because it is not the poor who created poverty”, it sounded like an utopia since he imagined that a world without poverty could be created through business activities.

Our current economic system is mainly responsible for the wealth pyramid, creating billions of people with little or no income. However, using the capitalistic system and business activities carried out by the poorest is subversive and very successful in overcoming poverty when we follow Prof. Yunus, social business concept, which is carried out by e.g. Grameen Bank or Grameen Danone. The concept of social business is simple but convincing. Social businesses are companies that have the objective to overcome poverty or other problems that threaten people in society. The goal of the company is not profit maximization. Investors in social businesses invest their money in business activities without receiving any dividends. Instead the profit of a social business stays within the company and is solely used to reinforce the social goal of the business. Furthermore social businesses pay market wage, and act it environmentally consciously. The Grameen Bank, the mother of social business, has distributed 8,7 Billion US$ in small loans with a 98% loan recovery, taking out no profit and empowering hundred thousands of people to overcome poverty and illiteracy in the second generation.

In social business, design plays a major role if we take Herbert Simonsdefinition of design seriously: “design is revising existing situations into preferred ones”. From this perspective each business creation is a design activity; each generation of new product or service is a design activity. Therefore, the question of design within the context of social business is manifold and interesting. As it seems Prof. Yunus’ main activities regarding design have been focused on the designing aspect of the business activity, which we could call business design, probably because he is an economic expert.
But there has to be more to it, since there is a huge awareness that environmental sustainability needs to be considered as a further important aspect of the design activity. Looking at many of the established products in the top tier of the wealth pyramid, it seems that the way products and services are designed today cannot be the future solution and cannot be sustained. We cannot generate the same carbon footprint for the world inhabitants as we do in the Western economies. We cannot use up the same amount of water resources in the upcoming economies as we still do in the western countries.
Therefore social business that has the goal to overcome poverty must be accompanied with conscious design activities, considering the half life of all products, considering the limited resources of the poorest, considering different lifestyles, considering the education of the consumer and considering the limited resources of this planet.

During the international design for social business designing conference in Milan, up to 60 international experts from various fields, representatives from the Grameen Creative Lab, multinational companies active in social business, IED, and other design schools as well as many international design experts, will be activelydesigning a new design philosophy and design agenda to frame and reframe design for social business. The organizers think and hope that it will be possible to have a clear notion how design, its methodology, its objectives need to change to design for a better world, without poverty, creating sustainable business activities, services and products.

The position papers will focus on different approaches to important issues in this area, representing the pluralism of approaches that are emerging in our different institutions and in professional practice.

Design with the Souths of the World

Monday 21 November 2011


COOPI propone l’asta “BAGS For AFRICA” con l’intento di promuovere una moda solidale.
L'iniziativa prevede il coinvolgimento di grandi maisons e stilisti italiani, tra cui i soci di Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana, che si impegneranno a mettere all’asta un borsa della loro collezione o creata appositamente per l’occasione. Il ricavato dei pezzi battuti sarà interamente devoluto ai progetti di COOPI “Un futuro per le giovani mamme di Ziguinchor” in Senegal e “D come sviluppo. Il futuro della Sierra Leone è Donna”.

Monday 12 September 2011

Saturday 25 June 2011


OpenIDEO has partnered with the Holistic Social Business Movement (HSBM) of Caldas – a joint venture between the Grameen Creative Lab and the Government of Caldas, Colombia – to consider how social businesses can improve the health of low-income communities in Colombia and around the world. Together, with your help, we hope to develop a set of implementable and high impact solutions to support and promote social business development and improve health in low-income areas like Caldas, where 26% of the population lives in extreme poverty.


Established and emerging designers are invited to submit innovative and radical examples of ecologically responsible and/or socially responsive designs that address everyday problems or social needs in the spirit of Victor J. Papanek's philosophy.

Saturday 18 June 2011

Vivienne Westwood's New Ethical Bags Are Now Online

Today, at Pitti Immagine in Florence, Vivienne Westwood launched a new series of bags for herEthical Fashion Africa Project. Handmade by men and women in Nairobi from recycled materials — electrical wiring, tent canvas, aluminum, plastic bags — the accessories are not only environmentally friendly, they're also community-sustaining. "It's not charity, it's work," Westwood says of the project's aim to create jobs in impoverished communities by teaching workers real skills. Ranging in price from $83 to $339, the collection is a colorful melange of chic prints, interesting textures and easy-to-wear shapes. The pieces are available online at, with a special video shot by her campaign photographer, Juergen Teller. Click through the slideshow to see our favorites from the collection.

Design as a Development tool - NEW BOOK

A new book by Giulio and Valerio Vinaccia documenting over 20 projects done around the world in the past 15 years.

Tuesday 19 April 2011


Using technology we create mass market potential for an easy-to-wear line of clothing based on the idea that each piece is handmade and completely unique. The uniqueness of each item allows us to provide traceability right down to the weaver that hand-wove the fabric. The stories of how that item was created, of the people involved, of the customers who purchased them, are the essence of the the e-commerce social network which we have built as a meeting place for a community that shares our brand values of authenticity, transparency, uniqueness and both social and environmental responsibility.

Sunday 30 January 2011

Sono pezzi unici creati da Krizia, Gianfranco Ferre' e altri grandi stilisti. Le borse di "Bags For Africa" vanno all'asta giovedi' 27 gennaio a Milano. Il ricavato sosterra' due importanti progetti di COOPI in Senegal e Sierra Leone.


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